Form 1120-S Instructions to Get It Quickly

Dmytro Serhiiev

What is Form 1120-S used for? S corporations use this U. S tax form to file their federal income, losses, and dividends tax returns. The Schedule K-1 is a source document that is made by a corporation as part of the filing of their tax return (Form 1120-S or Form 1065).

The K-1 reflects the percentage of a person’s share of income, deductions, credits and must be filled by every shareholder for the tax year. This is a good option to make your life a bit easier and reduce your tax liability. So, let’s see where you can get Form 1120-S latest version.

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How to Get Form 1120-S

Form 1120-S on PDFLiner

There are two ways on how you can get an IRS form 1120-S copy online:

  • You can download the form from the official IRS website. Internal Revenue Service is the US tax collection agency, and its site is a great option if you are searching for the detailed IRS 1120-S instructions to the form. However, in order not to get confused by the abundance of pages with detailed descriptions of each case, we recommend starting out with simplified instruction.
  • Alternatively, you can use PDFLiner to fill out IRS form 1120S. This service is eligible to provide the latest versions of the IRS tax forms and other federal document templates. Here you can download the form, fill it out online, print, save, and share an accomplished copy. Another useful feature is that the document you’ve been working with always stays on your cloud as an archive record. If you are interested in a detailed guide on how to fill out Form 1120-S, you can examine it on PDFLiner as well.
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Here are some actual answers to the questions you might have about the specs of getting the form.

What is an 1120-S form?

The 1120-S tax form is the tax return form for businesses registered as S corporations. This particular type of corporation avoids double taxation in both ways: at the corporate and individual levels. Each shareholder of such companies must independently fill out an income tax return, as well as pay taxes for their business.

Can I file my own 1120-S?

Yes, you can file it yourself at any time. Go back to the paragraph "How to get Form 1120-S?" and choose the method you like the most.

What is the difference between 1120 and 1120-S forms?

The Form 1120 tax return is filed on a yearly basis for corporations. The Form 1120-S tax return is filed by corporations that have elected the "S" status, so S corporations have additional requirements.

Do I have to file 1120-S if I have no income?

Yes, you must fill out this form. Every U.S. corporation that’s in business must file a tax return to make a profit regardless of whether it has made any money.

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